Surgeon Fish

Keeping fish as pets in a fish tank is a thoroughly absorbing hobby which is enjoyed by many people. Of course, you can keep cold water fish easily, and for many years now enthusiasts have been keeping tropical fish - everything from guppies and neon tetras to mollies, swordtails, and angel fish.

However, fast forward to the 21st century and it is now quite easy to keep marine fish as well. Here you are looking at an amazing range of different varieties, many of which have stunning colours that you won’t find in freshwater fish. We provide a wide choice of marine fish at Marine World Aquatics, together with all of the equipment that you could possibly ever need, of course.

For example, we have the surgeon/Tang fish for sale. Why is it called a surgeon fish? Because they have a very sharp spine near the tail which is like a scalpel, and they will use it to defend themselves. Among our surgeon fish for sale, we have the Powder Blue Tang which has a bright blue body with white markings and a darker blue face, with a yellow dorsal.

The surgeon fish is actually slow growing, but nonetheless will need a large tank because it likes to have plenty of room to swim about in during the day. It will get on quite happily with other peaceful fish in your tank with one exception: other surgeon fish! Unless you have a huge tank, that means that you can only keep one, because if you add another, the resident will fight to the death to defend its’ territory.

Plenty Of Rocks And Corals

When it comes to fish food, the surgeon fish needs plenty of rocks and corals in the tank because it will graze on algae, and the Blue Tang in particular will also clean the bodies of other fish. It also likes to hide in among the corals and rocks if it is frightened, and to sleep in overnight as well.

When it comes to fish food for the surgeon fish, not only does it eat natural algae, but you can also provide it with frozen formulas of algae or spirulina. In addition, you can provide seaweed such as Japanese Nori and attach this to the glass or a rock with a vegetable clip. You should feed your surgeon its’ fish food three times a day using small amounts rather than a large amount once a day.
